
I was born in Athens, Greece, about 30 years ago. Music has been a big part of my life – I love playing the guitar and recording music on my PC. Photography is another passion; I enjoy taking photos and giving them a personal touch through editing. My interest in computers and technology goes back around 20 years. For over a decade, I've been working in the IT/Telecom field, gaining experience and adapting to the ever-changing landscape. Right now, I'm part of a web hosting company, contributing my technical skills as a systems administrator to provide great service.


I have a few passions, two of them are shooting and editing photos. You can check out the rest of my portfolio on DeviantArt.


Yes I can fix your computer! I can also give you advice for building a new pc or upgrading an old one. Do you have a malfunctioning mobile device? You're at the right place!